My staff at work are so great, they had a little party for me today because it's Boss's Day this weekend (apparently it falls on the same date every year, but this year it happens to be on a Sunday) They made me cupcakes, gave me chocolates and a card, and each wrote me a specialized short song and sang it for me with the accompanyment of the other staff members. It was hilarious. They printed out the lyrics to read off of cuz they couldnt memorize them, so I have them with me and will transcribe them for you below. They're a clever bunch. I wish I had it on video.
Song #1, Winfield's Rap - a few inside jokes in this one but that's ok:
Happy Happy Boss's Day from all of us to you,
If you get in with Nancy, then we can have some brews.
You make work fun with all your funny jokes,
But it's not fun sneaking in for Diet Cokes.
We all wish you a happy Boss's Day,
If Lil' Jon were here, he'd agree and say OKAAAY!
Song #2, Summer's Barber Shop song:
You watch a lot of tv, you love Amazing Race,
You're cool and funny, not like that boss from Office Space!
Your riddles are a delight, hey this poem is out of sight!
Oops let me get on track, our boss is not wack!
You like watching football, your dad has a good kick,
For Boss's Day we have only one wish, we hope you win your next Football Picks.
Song #3: Bryanna's Ode to Adam:
Adam, Oh Adam, This is a rhyme for Boss's Day,
Adam, Oh Adam, You have great staff, wouldn't you say?
Adam, Oh Adam, I have mad rap skills and this is just a peek,
Adam, Oh Adam, Please don't judge this for my review next week =)
Adam, Oh Adam, You are the son of a kicker,
Adam, Oh Adam, No one can snap their fingers quicker!
Adam, Oh Adam, Your car is very fast and red,
Adam, Oh Adam, For you I will still sport my mo-hawked head.
Adam, Oh Adam, We share interest in our dear friend Billy,
Adam, Oh Adam, The best times at work are when we are silly.
Adam, Oh Adam, Thanks for being great,
Adam, Oh Adam, In this celebration we all will participate!
Hehe, awww gosh, gee. Thanks guys. You're the best!