Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm a dork but damn this is funny

Ok yeah I'm a loser most of the time, but sometimes loser stuff is hillarious. And this is one of those times. This is a copy of a real exam that someone sent me, and I couldn't help but share it with you whether you like it or not. Now anyone that took Chem 207/208 at Cornell should no doubt find this as funny as I do, particularly if there was ever a time that you had no idea what to write for an answer and just decided to be a smart ass....from personal experience, for the Chem 207 final exam of 1998, that would be about 75%. I've done it before, and I must admit that as a TA, if someone made me laugh hard enough, I'd give them credit for it on a test. I look at it as a nice way to brighten your day. Anyone else in the general chemistry "know" will enjoy this, and the rest of you may only find it barely passable on the humor scale. To you, I say suck it, this is awesome....particularly when the irony is that I actually know how to correctly answer these questions.

I totally would've given him full credit for this...notice there's no red marks. Posted by Hello

Well put, my man. Posted by Hello

Hahahaha. Posted by Hello

Hey, this is 100% correct in my book. Posted by Hello

I'm such a tool, but this makes me laugh every time. Posted by Hello

At least he's honest about guessing. Posted by Hello

Serves 4, hahaha. Posted by Hello

love it Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Off to the Sandbar

This past weekend we decided to go out to Mission Beach for some good ol fashioned fun while Cat was in town visiting me from NYC. The Sandbar is down on the beach, across the street from the Mission Beach roller coaster in case you ever want to go. Quite a fun bar, particularly if you drink. It has an open-air bar on the second floor, perfect for...well, basically you can drink and look at the sky instead of the ceiling. All in all a good time, but I'm a little bummed that I passed out and missed Cat falling into the hot tub. Doh!

Awww, what a nice way to start off the evening. Too bad the wholesome factor goes downhill quick. Posted by Hello

I'm a fugitive, on a neverending hunt for a one-armed titty grabber. Posted by Hello

What better bar activity than thumb wrestling? Uh, well, lots. But this is still fun. Posted by Hello

Before alcohol Posted by Hello

After alcohol. Posted by Hello

Jeff, Lauren, Sara, and Buddy. Doing what they do best. I'm not sure what that is, but they're doing it. Posted by Hello

Hmm, something tells me alcohol played a part in this... Posted by Hello

Me and Emily, whose shirt looks somewhat like she was just assaulted in the bathroom. I swear it wasn't me. Posted by Hello

Whoa. Nice one, guys. Posted by Hello

Kris, me and Cat. Posted by Hello

The two badasses. Well, more like one and a half. I'm still half suckass. Posted by Hello

Ever wonder what an $800 tatoo looked like? There ya go. Expensive enough to lick. It got weird when she started to follow the entire pattern like a maze. Kris was stuck there for an hour. Posted by Hello

As punishment for talking on her phone in the middle of a crowded bar while she's supposed to be hanging out with us, this gets posted on my blog. Mwa ha ha! Posted by Hello

I wonder what he's so excited about? Posted by Hello

Thought I'd put this one in last, just for you, Em. Posted by Hello

Monday, April 25, 2005

Don't fret, I'll be back

Sorry to all my faithful computer's wireless card pooped out on me, and I can't get access at home, where I'd normally upload all my pics and juicy stories of murder and intrigue. I'll be back as soon as I can get my computer drivers uploaded and fixed...where's Genepang when you need him!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sunny NoCal

So I'm up in Palo Alto visiting this cool kid named Genepang at some crap university called Stanford. Some of you know Gene. He kicks ass and is really smart with those internet and porn doohickies...what're they called again? Oh yeah, computers. I call him a genius, but he won't believe me. He's a "computer scientist" which means that he would fully appreciate the following joke:
Q) "Why did the C++ Chicken cross the road?"
A) "The chicken wouldn't have to cross the road, you'd simply refer to it on the other side."
Gene unlike most people, can use a computer for more than solitaire and play computer games involving atomic laser cannons and or playing cards. That's not to say he wouldn't kick your ass in both of those as well.
Anyway, I spent most of the day in Santa Barbara, which was freakin amazingly I thought San Diego was awesome. Santa Barbara is San Diego without the traffic, haha. I'll be chillin with Gene and his cool roommate Kenny tomorrow, but it's unfortunate that pop culture has essentially ruined that name for me, as all I can think about when I say his name is Kenny McCormick from South Park or Kenny Blankenship from Most Extreme Elimination Challenge. I'll get some pics up when I get home.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Just a thought

I've come to the realization that most relationships are, all in all, an enormous pain in the ass. They're basically like a full-time I think we should treat them like one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks notice. There should be severance pay, and before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp.