Thursday, May 26, 2005

Web Sites I Will Never Visit

Monday, May 23, 2005

Should I bring a sweater?

You gotta love it when the forecast includes the words "more of the same". I like the same. Same is nice.
Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 14, 2005

You too can save the children

Ever see those commercials at 3am to "save the children" for $9 a week? I did last night. Damn it sucks, cuz let's face it, we could all help other people more than we actually do. Everybody's got the $9. So how do you not give it to 'em? You gotta rationalize it somehow, you go "Hmmm, well....I dunno...the kid doesn't look that hungry to me....Shit he's got a bigger belly than I can you feed a kid for $9 a week, that's impossible! A non-fat low-carb latte is $4.50. What's that kid gonna do with 2 giant cups of coffee? I'm actually doin him a favor not giving him any money, cuz there's nothing worse than being wide awake and starving."
You're welcome, Mobubu.

Friday, May 13, 2005


So as I write this, I'm laying on the floor, hopped up on Vicodin. This is not just a normal Friday night, mind you. This would be the first time in 2 years that I've completely thrown out my back. Now I'd love to say that I did this in some spectacular fight with a biker, rescuing a puppy from a burning house, shootout at the O.K Corral....but no, I did it turning. That's right. Turning. I was walking through my apartment last night, turned to go into the kitchen, and BAM, instant back paralysis. What pisses me off the most is that I've been working out 4 days a week for the last 4 months, doing back excercises, stretches, etc. and this shit still happened. Luckily, Emily was just arriving, so she got me a pillow and my drugs, and I promptly made my way to the floor (a 5 minute excursion) where I have been ever since. Usually when this happens, it's a 2-3 day recovery process, so i'll keep you posted. Until then, back to Tivo, which I couldn't be more thankful for at this point. Fuck-a-doodle doo.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Road trip, San Diego to San Fran

So I had to go up to Santa Barbara for work...well, had to isn't really true. Anytime you go to Santa Barbara, you get to go, not have to go. Man what a beautiful city. San Diego is phenominal, but Santa Barbara is San Diego without the traffic. Anyway, after spending the day there for a conference, I drove up the coast then to Palo Alto to hang out with the magnificent prodigy Genepang at Stanford for the weekend. After that, went into San Francisco for Saturday, then drove back to San Diego on Sunday along Highway 1...which by the way is a phenominal drive along the coast which everyone should experience at least once. I went through Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Big Sur along the water, back down through LA, and 9 hours later got back to the good 'ol Sandy Eggo. Enjoy.

I left my wallet in El Segundo. I gotta get it. Got, got to get it. Props to anyone who gets that reference. Posted by Hello

Mulholland Drive, great movie. Posted by Hello

Sweet Posted by Hello

Driving through LA on the 405. Don't be fooled even though this looks kinda cool...LA is scary and dirty, haha. Posted by Hello

Coastlne up the pacific coast highway Posted by Hello

Coast going north to Santa Barbara Posted by Hello

Santa Barbara Posted by Hello

Santa Barbara along the ocean. See? No traffic. Posted by Hello

Stanford Campus Posted by Hello

Hoover Tower on campus, in honor of Herbert Hoover. Posted by Hello

Stanford Memorial Church Posted by Hello

The organ in the church on campus...4,422 pipes.  Posted by Hello

'The Burghers of Calais' sculpture by Rodin in one of the courtyards Posted by Hello

View of one of the buildings across from the Hoover tower, which I'm at the top of in case you're retarded and didn't know how I got so high. Posted by Hello

Stanford campus Posted by Hello

More Stanford campus Posted by Hello

This was something I just had to share with all of you. When I was visiting Genepang at Stanford, he had to do some work for one of his classes, and it involved reading an article. Curious as to what he was working on, I decided to read a bit of it. Luckily nobody's life depended on me understanding a single word of what it was talking about. What's even more amazing is that he was taking notes on it. As you can see, Gene feels it important to note that Contiguity is a resource. Of course! Posted by Hello

Hmm, of course, you have to reclaim the redundant MPN! Posted by Hello

San Fran along the piers at the waterfront.Very cool place. Posted by Hello

San Francisco Posted by Hello

So as I was driving down Highway 1 from San Francisco, I saw a little yellow thing approaching me pretty quickly in my rear view mirror. Something told me to grab the camera.... Posted by Hello

"Oh shizzle, that looks like a lambo", I thought to myself as a funny feeling began in my pants. Posted by Hello

Yup, Lamborghini Gallardo. 500 beautiful horses. Dammmmmmn she's sweet. I had to say goodbye so quickly =( Posted by Hello

These dudes were standing around alongside the road in Monterey Bay, which is a pretty nice area. Apparently they were protesting Bush, and had other signs to impeach him, etc.  Posted by Hello