So as I write this, I'm laying on the floor, hopped up on Vicodin. This is not just a normal Friday night, mind you. This would be the first time in 2 years that I've completely thrown out my back. Now I'd love to say that I did this in some spectacular fight with a biker, rescuing a puppy from a burning house, shootout at the O.K Corral....but no, I did it turning. That's right. Turning. I was walking through my apartment last night, turned to go into the kitchen, and BAM, instant back paralysis. What pisses me off the most is that I've been working out 4 days a week for the last 4 months, doing back excercises, stretches, etc. and this shit still happened. Luckily, Emily was just arriving, so she got me a pillow and my drugs, and I promptly made my way to the floor (a 5 minute excursion) where I have been ever since. Usually when this happens, it's a 2-3 day recovery process, so i'll keep you posted. Until then, back to Tivo, which I couldn't be more thankful for at this point. Fuck-a-doodle doo.