Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I think I'll stick with my job

So I came across a friend's away message earlier tonight and thought it was pretty interesting. I'll keep him nameless for now, but as soon as I paste it in here, he and/or anyone who knows him will know pretty soon who I'm talking about. Especially when I tell you that he's a PhD student at a very good university. But regardless, it took about 2 seconds for me to be pretty happy with my job situation.

"grading. I am growing to hate grading. why can't I just graduate soon. There is no end in site. oh god, just make my experiments work so I can graduate sometime in the next 3 years, pllllllease."

Now, one way to interpret this is to say he's so tired of grad school that he doesn't even want to have to capitalize all the nececssary words in his sentences. Another way to interpret it is that it's an AIM away message and who gives a shit about grammar. Well, either way, it helped me realize, when I wasn't even thinking about it, that there are definitely pros and cons to grad school versus a full-time job. But given all the crap that I went through in grad school, particularly surrounding being a TA and grading (I feel ya, buddy!), I would definitely stick with my job right now. I get lots of time off, have a nice corner top floor office, get to travel, work with great people..oh, and basically live in a city that's some Ohio family's postcard. Dealing with 200 complaining dipshit college freshmen isn't on my list of fun activities, so I think I'll stay right where I am. Thanks man for making my day a bit brighter...even if it was at your expense =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally was hoping this was going to be an entry about me and then I was so dissapointed to find out that it wasn't.


8:10 PM  
Blogger Adam J said...

Awww, I'm sorry buddy. But I'm sure that you're situation is no less shitty, so we can apply it to you as well. =)

2:00 PM  

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