Sunday, July 10, 2005

Call me Karch

So originally we thought it would be fun to join one of those co-ed sports leagues they have around the city, and play in the kickball league. What's funnier than a bunch of 20-somethings running around playing a sport designed for 5th grade recess? Well, apparently one thing is...and it's a bunch of 20-somethings who can't play beach volleyball, playing beach volleyball. Since the kickball league was filled, we joined the beach volleyball league instead. We figured it would be a good way to spend some time at the beach, maybe meet some new people, and hone our tremendous volleyball skills (breathe in the sarcasm). In fairness, we weren't that bad, but we did wind up losing 4 out of 5 games against 2 different teams. The first team we played we should have beaten. They basically sucked, yet our teamwork skills weren't really up to par, so there were a lot of points lost on our end by just letting the ball drop because nobody would call it...or in Emily's case, occasionally waiting until the last second before the ball hit the ground to yell "Adam get that". And by far, the most common phrase heard from our team throughout our games was "Sorry, sorry...oh shit, sorry guys", usually proclaimed by one of us after the ball flew off 30 feet to the right, instead of going over the net to the opponents' side. But because it was all in good fun and we figured we'd lose anyway, we just laughed it off and figured it a good way to practice our skills and be in the sun. The surprising thing to me was how much physical effort and endurance goes into playing this game. It's not as relaxing as I thought, seeing as how I cut my foot in two places, sprained my toe, and almost threw out my back. Then the cuts healed with a ton of sand in it, so when I got home I had to re-open them and clean the sand out. Too bad I didn't get pics of that, eh? So we'll see how it goes next week, hopefully we'll win a bunch. Or two. Two would be nice.
-p.s. Did anyone get my Karch reference? Sorry it's obscure. But whatever, Family Guy made a Herculoids reference on tonight's episode and I think I was the only person in San Diego laughing....and by the way, the "Breakfast Machine" from the same episode made me laugh so hard I almost choked to death on a tortilla chip. I have it on Tivo if you missed it. Best scene of the season by far.


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