Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Gizoogle? YES!

So thanks to Monster Matt, who many of you probably don't know, (but if you do, you really do), I discovered a new site, Gizoogle. It's very similar to Google, except it turns any site or text into a basic Snoop Dogg-style grammar. It works for just about everything, and can even turn an entire web page (CNN, for instance) into all Izzle Nizzle text. Hilarious. It's kind of like that old site that would translate any text into ebonics...only this can do entire web pages. The only down side is that the site has a search limit per day, so you have to get on it early in order to translate the website you want to see. I tried to do my blog site, but I was too late in the day and it had reached its limit. Check it out, and put in your favorite website for Gizzogle translation. Try something real serious like a news site. So here is everything I just wrote, but ran through Gizoogle:

So thanks ta Monsta M-to-tha-izzatt, who many of you probably dont know, (bizzut if you do, you really do), I discovered a new site, Gizoogle. Its very similar ta Google, except it turns any site or text into a basic Snoop Dogg-style grammar fo' sho'. It works fo` just `bout everyth'n, n can even tizzay an entire web page (CNN, fo` instance) into all Izzle Nizzle text . Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. Hilarious. Its kind of like tizzle old site tizzle would translate any tizzy into ebonics...only this can do entire web pages fo shizzle. The only dizzay side is that tha site has a search limit per day, so you hizzle ta git on it early in orda ta translate tha website you W-to-tha-izzant ta see . Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. I tried ta do mah blog site, but I was too late in tha day n it had reached its limit. C-H-to-tha-izzeck it out, n put in yo favorite website fo` Gizzogle translation. Try sum-m sum-m real serious like a news site. So here is everyth'n I jizzle wrote, but ran through Gizoogle:


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