Thursday, December 08, 2005

San Jose is remarkably less exciting than Vegas

So we went to Vegas last weekend, where I promtly won $80 in blackjack, then blew it all on hookers and booze. Oh wait, nevermind. I think I've mistaken me with, well, every other person in the city. But I digress. My point here is that I'm in San Jose right now, going through a week-long training seminar for work. The training itself is mediocre at best, but it's our trainer that never ceases to maze me. She's a bit loopy, talks weird, uses her hand wayyy to much when she talks. Sometimes I think she's going to throw something at me when she gets so excited about emphasizing a point (which, by the way, is rarely as exciting as she thinks). In addition to all these wonderful qualities in the person I have to look at and listen to for 8 hours a day, she uses words like "laborisome", "bloody", and "mute". Now you may be thinking, "Well 'laborisome' is obviously not a word" (or at least I hope that's what you're thinking, cuz it's not) ..."but mute is a proper part of the English language, what's wrong with that?" What's wrong is that she uses it in her attempts to signify a moot point, which when used and pronounced correctly, signifies something as being of no proactical importance or relevance. So not only does she say things like "Don't worry about that bloody program, it's a mute point for you guys....if you tried to work with it you'd find it much to laborisome anyway". And bloody is just not a necessary word when you live in the United States...unless you live in Detroit, but that's a whole different usage. Needless to say I find it very difficult to avoid kicking her in the skull. Or at least shoving a pencil through mine. So we've made it a point to keep track of her grammer usage, and right now the score is Mute: 15, Bloody: 10. Bloody still has some time to catch up today, but I feel with so many mute points being made during this training, it's a shoe in to take the trophy. Luckily we only have 2 hours left for the training, so the end of the tunnel is in sight. Wish me luck; I'll be back in SD tomorrow night.

p.s. I want this for Christmas:


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