Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Let Go of Your Need to Have More...just do as I say, not as I do

I should probably do less, since I'm so busy now I literally have to make plans with people 7-10 days in advance because I know what I'll be doing every night for the next week. I'm not sure I like that...but I like being busy, so go figure. The weekly line dancing outings (for those of you that missed out on that, you read it right) are definitely something I never anticipated liking, but alas it's fun and great lower body exercise, so I keep going. The wrestling club (my most recent club sport) is also great, and a great alternate to the average workout I do. But I think the Jiu-Jitsu might make or brake me...literally. Yes I said Jiu-Jitsu. One of the guys on the wrestling team has been doing it for years, introduced me to some people, and here I am. We'll have to wait and see on that one. Although I like the idea of an organized discipline that also allows me to defend myself in a real fighting situation. I took Taekwondo for a while back when I was younger, and found it completely useless. Very rarely will you find yourself in a situation where the person you're fighting will stand there and let you roundhouse kick them repeatedly. They're gonna charge you like a bull and you'll both wind up on the ground in 3 seconds. That's where the benfits of these sports come in. They're realistic and will allow you to kill your opponent in just under 12 seconds. Score! But seriously, the physical conditioning, fun, and camaraderie is worth it. So I'll let you know if I'll be scheduling any more knee surgeries or disk replacements anytime soon. It's ok, I have good health insurance.
Anyway, I think it's this strange need to always have more, more stuff, more friends, more action, more porn. Whatever it may be. But I think that when you stop needing more of everything, more of what you desire seems to arrive in your life. Since you're detached from the need for it, you find it easier to pass it along to others, because you realize how little you need in order to be satisfied and at peace. We should all try that sometime...let me know how it works out for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

from Chris:

Line Dancing?
Westling Club?

Who are you and hwat have you done with Adam J. Jakowenko?

How is Jiu-Jitsu- I started taking Aikido, which is a cross between Martial Arts and dancing- so it works well me. Much less violent than Jiu Jitsu though.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Adam J said...

See my most on kicking my ass for an update on Jiu Jitsu. But yes, it's going well. Rough for sure, though. Aikido is what Steven Segal has a black belt in. You too can be a mildly overweight pacifist action movie has-been that runs like a girl!

4:31 PM  

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