Thursday, December 22, 2005

Watch out for high tide

Because of all the crazy storms going on up on the north coast of California and Oregon, we're getting some side effects down here in SD. HUGE WAVES! And warmer temperatures for some reason as well. It was almost 80 yesterday, so I went to the beach, where traffic was insane because apparently everyone else had the same idea as me. Hundreds of people were gathering near the piers to watch the high tide and larger than normal waves. Everyone was taking pictures (including me), and some people weren't paying attention to the Lifeguard's warnings over the megaphone to stay away from the water. The waves were huge, but also the tide came in quite strong at times, surprising many people and even knocking them down and dragging them 20 feet. Some poor old man was too busy looking through his camera and experienced the same fate. 3 people had to run and help him out of the water, he was soaked, and his digital camera was ruined. But I say that's what you get for ignoring the megaphone and signs that tell you to stay away from the water! Enjoy.


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