Sunday, August 07, 2005

Awaiting internet

Sorry there've been no updates recently, but my old roommate is officially out now, and since the internet was in his name, the idiots at Cox made me return all equipment and stop all service before they'l let me put the account in my own name. So I made an ever-so fun journey down to the Cox building on Friday where I stood in line for 2 hours waiting to return all of my equipment (because they wont come pick it up without charging you a fee). But they wont give you new equipment on the spot, they mail it to you. Yes, this is all a giant effort on their part to reduce their overhead and not pay technicians to go out to customers' houses. So once the equipment arrives, I will install it myself and eventually have internet again. Until then, I'm making occasional visits to the coffeehouse around the corner from my place so I can drink a smoothie and surf the wireless web. Oh, I'm so cosmopolitan. Aiight, soon I'll have up pics of my new office, pride weekend, Ashley Matte (a most excellent local singer who I had the pleasure of discovering last weekend) and my apartment once it's newly furnished. Later all.


Blogger Adam J said...

Trust me, I do the same whenever possible. Unfortunately, I seem to live in the one condo complex in San Diego where nobody has wireless internet...or at least nobody that is leaving their signal unsecured. I've resorted to parking outside of the coffeehouse around my block that offers free wirless internet and checking my e-mail with my laptop from inside my car. But no worries, my internet is supposed to be up and running TODAY. We'll see when I get home, though.

10:28 AM  

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