Uh oh. This would be Emily and Brandon, shortly after what would be known as "the fall" at the party....I'm quickly realizing that I don't have very creative names for the events of this party. Anyway, while coming down the stairs, Emily tripped and proceeded to fall down all the stairs face first, but not before she grabbed Brandon and took him with her, all the way down to the bottom. After picking Emily up, I was asking Brandon if he was ok, not noticing that Emily immediately tried to go back up the stairs, at which point she slipped on the beer she spilled the first time, and fell all the way down again. We like to call her our little 2-year-old. Can't let her out of your sight for 2 seconds, or she's off gettin herself into more trouble. Emily has asked that I mention that in her defense, this isn't her best picture, as she is somewhat "sloshed off her ass", as she so eloquently put it. And sorry Brandon, but you did scream like a girl on your way down, HA.

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