Monday, December 20, 2004

The very "festive" holiday party

So this holiday party I was invited to by Laura, who very few of you may know from high school...but since I only talk to about 3 people from high school still, we'll just refer to her the girl I went to high school with who now lives in San Diego, Laura. She invited me to the holiday party at her apartment complex, which was very cool. Basically it was a large rectangle of apartments surrounding a large courtyard. It was extensively decorated for Christmas, tons of lights, etc. I actually arrived before Laura, who was coming back to the party from another event. So when I arrived, a nice woman let me in the entrance gate, and I told her I knew Laura. What Laura failed to tell me was that about 85% of her entire complex was gay. Ok that's cool, whatever...except I didnt realize this until long after I arrived wearing my "I am the man from Nantucket" t-shirt. Oops. Oh well, it was almost an honor to get hit on all night. It doesnt happen to me that often, so I didnt let the fact that it was all men ruin my flattered happiness. I felt like the belle of the ball. Laura thought it was hillarious..luckily I had another shirt on underneath, so the man from Nantucket went bye bye. Regardless, the party was actually a lot of fun. The mini keg of Becks that I drank helped a bit I'm sure, but still it was a great time overall.


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